Thursday, July 13, 2006

Think, not Tin


I'd rather be a think tank than a tin tank lo. 2T sounds nicer than 4T lo... cos like got so many significance:
  1. There are 2 of us, hence the 2 in 2T.
  2. 4T makes it sound like forty, like we damn auntie uncle only so ancient.
  3. 2T can also mean 2 Ts, as in TT = Think Tanks (also Two Ts) (ooo... Teh Tarik also can!)
  4. And of course, it's already so popular that it's on signboards and TV commercials by the Tourism Board of Malaysia. There that one where at the end they go, "2T-2T Malaysiaaa..." =P

Anyways, waiting for your documents about our PR plan and all. Quite good, but I didn't get to look through it yet, so still awaiting for you to email me the info. Remember ya, send to my GMAIL!! Nothing else! Not Yahoo, Not Hotmail, Not AnyOtherEmailOtherThanGmail! Fa-hem?

Of course as I said, have to fine tune a few things, but I can't wait to get things started. Though have to get all the contacts lor, expecially with the "experts" you referred to. See how larz.


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