Monday, August 01, 2005

Project Brief

« This post has been brought backward to keep it out of the main page as it is long »

Movie Content
Order to be determined later.
  1. Shopping scenes -> takeaway food scenes -> in rubbish bin -> dumpsites scenes
    (life cycle of plastic bags after production)

  2. Stats of wastage with voiceover explaining

  3. Interview of general opinion of customers and shop owners, asking questions like:
    - What would you do with your plastic bags after you reach home?
    - Do you know the difference between bio-degradable and non-biodegradable bags?
    - Where do you think your plastic bags will end up?
    - Plastic bags and pollution
    - How to reduce pollution
    - etc.

  4. Interview experts to identify non-biodegradable and biodegradable items and their differences

  5. Interview with environmentalists about the current situation of plastic bags and its effects on the planet

  6. Interview with people in charge of recycling on the current situation of recyclables and the support people give towards it

  7. Interview those that works at dumpsites about the seriousness of lacking of space

  8. Interview experts how to reduce the wastage

  9. Rewind from images of sick people to the dumpsite scenes, then to the throwing, and finally to the purchasing. Intent: to backtrack on the effects of plastic bags


The problem, concern or opportunity

What is happening now?

- the world is running out of dumpsites. With the amount of non-biodegradable bags being used, the world will soon be polluted with rubbish that either takes too long to or cannot break down.

Situation analysis

What positive and negative forces are operating?

- positive about non-biodegradable: it is convenient, cheap

- negative about non-biodegradable: it is bad for environment, wastage, no value

Who is involved and/or affected?

- people and the environment

How are they involved and/or affected?

- Limited amount of space to live as most areas taken up by rubbish that cannot break down or are harmful to the planet.

Program Goal

What is the desired situation?

- get consumers and retailers to use biodegradable containers/bags

Target public

Who must the program respond to, reach and affect?

- to retailers and consumers


What must be achieved with each public in order to accomplish the program goal?

- awareness and changing of habit/usage from non-biodegradable containers/bags to biodegradable ones

Action Strategies

What changes must be made in order to achieve outcomes stated in the objectives?

- education

- trading practice

Communication strategies

What message content must be communicated to achieve outcomes stated in the objectives?

- the forecasted outcome of continuous usage of non-biodegradable bags

- the advantages of using biodegradable bags

What media best deliver that content to the target public?


- Radio

- Billboards

- Speaker in school

- Shopping malls (trolley)

- Coffee shops

- Documentary

- Editorial write ups

Program Implementation Plans

Who will be responsible for implementing each of the action and communication tactics?

- world environment organization

- government

- retailers/traders

What is the sequence of events and schedule?


- shopping malls and coffee shops

- billboards and radio

- Speaker in school

How much will the program cost?

- undertermined

Evaluation Plans

How will the outcomes specified in the program goal and objectives be measured?

- increased adoption of biodegradables, in terms of usage and availability

- decreased usage of non-biodegradables

- area needed for wastes dumpsites

Feedback and Program Adjustment

How will the results of the evaluation be reported to program managers and used to make program changes?

- extend the reach of the biodegradable programme

- improve the quality of biodegradables

- modify and adapt approach towards retailers and customers

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